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Сертификационо тело МУП а Републике Србије. године, Министарство за телекомуникације и информционо друштво је 16. године уписало Сертификационо тело Министарства унутрашњих послова Републике Србије у Регистар сертификационих тела . Се потписује у присуству полицијског служб.
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This website is currently under review. While the information book is up to date, not all links are current. We hope to have our new website running by the end of Term 2. This event will be held next Friday 6 April. Students will rotate around a series of fun sporting activities everything from high jump to gumboot throwing to three legged races. Final of the 100m for the athletics champs.
This Blog is Now Closed. Our blog is now closed for the 2011 school year, and there will be no new posts. You will still be able to access our blog though the Halcombe School website and we will link it to our 2012 blog too. Thank you for your support throughout the year, we have loved sharing our learning with you. I have loved teaching all the children this year and I will miss you over the holidays. I look forward to seeing you on 30th January 2012.
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